Saturday, February 27, 2010

Quick Update

Not much happened today, we are pretty much in the same position. One thing that did happen was that Judy was given a new drug to slow down her heart rate as her heart was regularly beating way to quick. I mentioned yesterday that she would get a drug to strenghten her heart but I was wrong as the drug will just slow her heartbeat to stop her feeling so exhausted. She also had a scan done on her bowel as while the dhiorrea has slowed it hasn't gone away fully so they want to understand what exactly is going on.

Catch you tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all the time and wishing and praying for a miracle.

    Stay strong Jason, you are a wonderful husband and support for Judy.

    Our love is extended to you all.
    Rhonda and girls. xoxo
