Another quick update following the activities of today. From my point of view Judy seemed much better today as I arrived in the morning and was able to spend far more time talking with her than when I have arrived later in the afternoon. It was nice as with everything going on I haven't really had an opportunity to just chat with her.
The other good news is that I was wrong with yesterdays post when I said "the tablets are not working". The palliative care doctors were around today and were able to give us a full update on her status and the options available to us in regards to moving her. Firstly the new heart tablets are working in the respect that they are lowering her heart rate which is the important measure, they may not be stopping the atrial fibrillation but are slowing her heart rate which is a huge relief.
The doctors also believe that clinically her breathing should be better but Judy isn't convinced as she becomes breathless from just moving herself around in the bed let alone having to get up to go to the loo. In saying this Judy had been having panic attacks over the last couple of days about the state of her breathing and how breathless she becomes but didn't seem to have any attacks during the 8 hours I was able to spend with her.
While it was nice to see some good occuring she is still in a very delicate position which was once again highlighted when speaking to the doctors about the possibility of getting her home. We were advised that without 24 hour home nursing (which costs an arm and a leg) this is not an option at the moment. I am going to check out a facility at Mt Druitt hospital in the morning to see if we can move her to different location that is less hospital like but still has the nursing support she needs. Even this option came with a warning, we were advised that unless a move occurs in the next couple of days we may find ourselves in the position where she is unable to be moved if her condition deteriorates further.
I will aim to continue with the daily updates and thank those that have commented for their words of encouragement.
Monday, March 1, 2010
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Thank you for updating us every day Jason, we never stop thinking about Judy, you and the boys and pray that things will improve.
ReplyDeleteOur love to you all.
Rhonda and girls
So glad you got to spend some good quality time with judy Jas, stay strong, we are praying and thinking of you all. If there is anything we can do just ask. Lots of love Carley, Anth, Bre and Jesse xx
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update Jason, good to hear that the heart tablets are doing their job. Hope the Mt Druitt hospital works out, like you said, I think Jude would feel more comfortable in a "less hospital like" environment.
ReplyDeleteAs always, you are always in our thoughts
Thanks Jason for keeping us up to date.
ReplyDeleteYou all are always in our thoughts and prayers.
We are sending great big hugs
love David, karina , Alex & Holly